Friday, 6 April 2007

News from Ant, blog creator

Hiya All

Thanks everyone for viewing my blog, please do keep checking it.

I have a mix of christian fiction and poetry that I have written, and non christian fiction.

Freddys diary is a serial kind of thing, about the blog of a fictional 13 year old guy with a disability.

I will also write a few non christian stories regarding disability, so for all those non christians who may visit my site, please do read my christian poetry and fiction, there will be a mix of christian and non christian.

I don,t want to preach to you guys if you don,t have a belief, I just want this blog to be a site where everyone can come and read some of my poetry and short stories, in peace

I,m very interested in disability awareness as well, so some of my stories will feature disabled charecters

For the christians who visit this site, there will be a variety, so please put this in your favourites and do read my poetry

God bless you all this easter

Ant xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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