Friday, 6 April 2007

My friend Jesus, final part


You see, 2 days after on the sunday when Jesus was crucified and the day after I went to help prepare his body for burial, Mary Magdalane and a couple of other women went to the tomb and to their amazement found that the stone what was blocking the doorway of the tomb was rolled away!

They thought somebody stole the body but Mary said that she saw Jesus standing there, she thought he was the gardener!!!!!!! but it was jesus,

Anyway he appeared to 2 men on the road to emmaus and again to his disciples where he showed them the wounds on his hands and feet

I cannot believe that Jesus is still around but he told us he is now with his father in eternity and that he will prepare a place for us and we need to tell others about his good works, and that I intend to do.

I intend to teach those people around me about Jesus and they can share a personal relationship with him if they ask him into their lives and what is really cool is i can feel jesus in my heart right now

Its been great speaking to you and telling you about my experiences and you can have the same kind of relationship if u ask jesus into your heart

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